Peter Lotterhos: Safety vs Risks

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21 Responses

  1. My mind always chooses safety over risks. It’s hard for me to let go to do things I’d like to because of this.

  2. Divyanka says:

    Great video. I think this is the basic human feature to go for safer options in life, especially when it comes to choosing a career. But personally I believe in taking risks and I find myself pretty blessed that I have that Risk taking factor in me.

  3. Jenny says:

    I used to be someone who would never take risks, but I am starting to take more “risks” in my everyday life, (although to others they would probably not even be classes as a risk)

    but they are still calculated risks, so is that still playing is safe?

  4. We discussed about safety and the tendency of individuals to conform with others when it comes to helping out when somebody else is at risk. This video pretty much resembles our discussion.

  5. noel says:

    It is true that taking risk is something you have to train your brain for. you would always stay in your confort zone because it’s easy. great video!

  6. TColeman says:

    I always like to stay close to my safe zone but sometimes I do take risks. If I have a comfortable feeling I may succeed I am more likely to take one.

  7. Jenny says:

    taking risks is great, but I like to play it safe. I think it’s just human nature.

  8. Jen Temcio says:

    I do choose safety over risks in social situations, but on my own I am more able to take risks in my life. I like to be held accountable for my goals, but I also don’t like being the center of attention.

  9. Claudia Krusch says:

    I find as I am getting older I am getting more comfortable taking risks. I always weigh the pros and cons before I make a decision.

  10. Great video! It is always tough to choose between safety and taking a risk. At its most extreme forms, it can be compared to the fight or flight response.

  11. chei says:

    Sometimes i take over on more safety. But you will never know things if you will not take any risks.

  12. We’re always very careful with what we get ourselves into. It’s normal, I guess. What we don’t realize is that we are also missing things that we can do when we don’t take risks at all.

  13. Very interesting and insightful! I take a lot of risks…unless they involve me being the center of attention in any way, shape or form. I don’t like to talk in front of people and I don’t like having all eyes on me. It can be debilitating at times, and it is something I am working on the older I get.

  14. krystal says:

    Fear can hold many people back. It is important to re-evaluate our goals and make sure we head toward them!

  15. Samantha says:

    I am certainly guilty of not raising my hand or participating out of fear. This video really puts things into perspective.

  16. Great post! I think fear is the monitor of human health that keep us safe. It’s feels great to take risk once in a while.

  17. Rosey says:

    Wow! this is eye opening! I will take more risks! Thank you!

  18. kelly reci says:

    interesting topic! I love reading articles about human safety and health!

  19. Amanda Love says:

    Fear will always drive us to hesitate and try to stay safe as possible. There are plenty of things that we miss when we let our fear drive us though.

  20. My Teen Guide says:

    I am not much of a risk taker but I am aware that opportunities abound outside your comfort zone. When I do grab a chance outside of my “safety zone” it does feel very liberating. I think I should do it more often. I cannot grow if I just stay where I am.

  21. Sharon Wu says:

    what a wonderful post! great reminder to go out of our comfort zone sometimes and take some risks. it’s good to stay on the safe side for certain things but in order to learn and grow we also have to overcome our fears and take risks 😉 xo, sharon

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