TMD™ Level 2A—Advanced Training Empowerment Series (ADV-ES) 10 Weekly Conference Calls—10 Distinctions/Processes
Advanced ES Curriculum
TMD™ Adv.-ES is a 10-week series of TMD™ Advanced Training Graduate group conference calls (each 1.5 hours long) or in-person group meetings commencing one week following completion of that group's four-day Advanced Training.
Adv.-ES provides the groundwork for practicing and actualizing the use of distinctions made available in the TMD™ Advanced Training. The intention of this 10-week series is to invite you into the potential of Being--embodying and putting into action--those distinctions that will empower you in consciously creating your life.
Series Distinctions
ADV-ES is the playground for practicing Transformational Mind Dynamics™ distinctions of win/win communication. ADV-ES focuses on shifting reactivity to listening, sharing and playing for agreements and results. Full self-expression and physical aliveness commonly is repressed by programmatic responses that limit communication, listening and connection. By listening versus reacting and inquiring versus postulating a story you are taking on the programmatic responses that dismantle possibility and learning to be the source for possibility. Hence you are breaking down programming and restoring full self-expression and aliveness. Consider you have forgotten that you are whole and complete and have created your life from your programming. Imagine the life you will create through the
- Win/Win Communication
- Creating a Life from Possibility
- a. Thinking from the world of possibility
- b. Feeling from the world of possibility
- c. Speaking from the world of possibility
- d. Perceiving from the world of possibility
- Being a request for greater consciousness
ADV-ES focuses on creating results through communication. Communication is comprised of speaking and listening and this is multi-faceted. For instance, you will speak and listen while whom you are speaking and listening to will be speaking and listening from what you are speaking and listening. What they perceive, what they listen to, will be the choices they make. Your world’s choices will either empower or disempower them and their world. Through ADV-ES you will learn to take responsibility for others choices in your life and be the source for greater possibilities and choices. In ADV-ES you will choose to register three people into the Basic Dynamic Training. This commitment creates a practice field for you to learn experientially Win/Win communication. You will have the opportunity to get what it takes to be the source for others in your life.
Prior to Week 1:
Week 1: Setting Up Adv.-ES, Opening Call is 2 hours long all remaining calls are 1.5
Week 2: Generating Win-Win Oriented Living, Building Trust, Inquiring
Week 3: Further Developing Trust by Inquiring, Inquire, Need-Vision, Ask
Week 4: Have we Inquired? Ask you will soon see, Ask, Confirm, Reconfirm
Week 5: Mid Point Check In, Honoring mid-point check-in: Mapping trainee registration results; How are you playing the game? What do you need to get recommitted to? Discover what is needed by asking trainees to share their process
Week 6: Generating a Correlation, A scripted conversation to practice
Week 7: Coaching on Results, Expanding Win-Win by generating Perceiving & Listening from Possibility
Week 8: Coaching on Results, Expanding Win-Win by generating Speaking from and into Possibility
Week 9: Coaching on Results, Expanding Win-Win by generating a Request
Week 10: ADV-ES Final Results
Details to Participate in the Advanced ES Series
Requirements for Participation
- Only graduates who have completed the four-day TMD™ Advanced Training are allowed to participate in the conference call series.
- Graduates must attend the first call. You cannot participate in the Adv.-ES series if you are unable to attend the first call.
Preparation Process
- Sign up for TMD's Maestro Conference Call.
- Download and print your TMD™ Adv.-ES workbook.
Series Schedule
- Dates and weekly conference call time will be announced before your TMD™ Advanced Training is complete.
- The first call is up to 2 hrs long; all other calls are 1.5 hr long.
- You are requested to be on time. You may call ahead to let us know if you will be late. All reasons/excuses will be heard. We invite you to look into being the cause of your circumstances and keeping your word so as to begin consciously creating your life.
- You are allowed to miss up to three (3) calls without a compelling reason before losing your right to remain in the series.