IRD Training System
Inter-Relational Dynamics will:
- Show you how you have created the results that you have created
- Heal what is incomplete
- Teach you new ways of communicating that work to cause new results
The IRD Training in Detail
LOOK, if you don't shift the formula you will not create NEW results? IRD asserts that over time you have come to interact with yourself, your child/children and your partner in the same way. Your results, whether they work or do not work for you, are derived from a pre-existing way of being. This pre-existing way of being is called your Role. When you combine your Role with that of your partner and/or children, the result is your Dynamic. The dynamic is dependent on everyone running their role. Therefore, when you shift your role you shift the results of the entire relationship and/or family.
The "problem" seems to be that most people are unable to see how their role causes their dynamics and produces results that do not work. Then most people set out to fix the undesirable results without being able to see their role in action. Because they are unable to see their role and understand their dynamics, their efforts to change unconsciously reinforce the very thing they are trying to fix. For example, you may blame others, yell, or quit and hide, all of which create disconnection, which reinforces your Role and perpetuates the Dynamic.
Communication is the key to success. You can, through communication, learn to create what you choose. You will have the ability to resolve conflict, allow the space for achievement, and re-establish connection. Within all of us is the type of love, acceptance and communication that allows for creativity, security, and achievement to flourish. Yes, you can have what you want.
The idea is not to add a new tool on top of old patterns but rather to erase what is incomplete and design what works.
Training Design:
For you to get the most out of your training it is strongly recommended that you participate in the whole training just beyond your comfort level.
Below is a general outline of the subject areas that will be examined within the context of the IRD Training.
IRD is a 3 day intensive and a 6 week Practice Field
Day One:
- Discovering the Old Paradigm for Relating
- Powerlessness
- The Context of Accountability and Choice
- Getting your Role
Day Two:
- Developing your Role
- Completing your Role
- Getting your Dynamic
Day Three:
- Create a New Paradigm for Relating
- What is Truth Telling
- What is Fighting
- New Language that Create
- Having Structure and Allowing Love
Practice Field:
- 6 week Training — one night a week from 7:00-9:00 PM
- Learn to live the distinctions you got from IRD
Your payment is due 10 working days prior to the start of your Training. All deposits and transactions are non-refundable and are open to transfer.