Your participation in this INTER-RELATIONAL DYNAMICS Online Course will liberate you and give you the ability to take your Relationships in new and EMPOWERED directions.

The Course exists to show you how Programming is unconsciously creating the quality of your Relationships.

All human beings are “programmed” or “hard wired.” This hard wiring, which began at birth, has programmed you and is creating the quality of your personal and professional life. Most of us have no idea that it is NOT US, but our Programming that runs our lives 98% of the time and, therefore, dictates our Relationships.

TMD™’s Inter-Relational Dynamics Online Course will give you the tools to transform your relationships. The course will show you:

  • WHAT is creating the quality of your Relationships: Role, Context, and “Dynamic”.
  • HOW that Context creates a Dynamic that your Role operates in and how it creates the quality of your Relationships.
  • WHY your Role is holding you back in your current and future Relationships.
  • HOW you can transform your Role and create Relationships that work.

TMD™’s Inter-Relational Dynamics Online Course is an educational experience that opens the door to new possibilities in your professional and love Relationships that may have been closed by your Programming/Role. This course, like all TMD™ Courses and Trainings, is not a new rule to follow or a slogan or series of tips that will make you BETTER. Rather, TMD™ operates from the perspective that you are already Perfect - it’s your Programming that would have you believe otherwise. From this perspective, TMD™’S Inter-Relational Dynamics and RESULTS-BASED training systems will show you how to erase the Programming/Role that creates dysfunctional relationships and how to build new ones. The result of TMD’s training system is empowerment, which means you, naturally, and with joy, create and retain a new way of being with people.

“The result of your participation in TMD™’s Inter-Relational Dynamic’s is an empowered you who can take on the world and create a life you love.” -Peter Lotterhos

How can “I”transform my relationships?


Sign Up Now 4 IRD


First Email: Welcome Letter: You will receive this email after signing up, acknowledging that TMD™ has received your commitment to participate in TMD™’s Inter-Relational Dynamics Online Course.

Second Email, Day 1: Overview of Context and Dynamic: Creates an overview of Context and Dynamic and how your Context and Dynamic has created your personal and professional Relationships.

Third Email, Day 4: Your Dynamic: This email further develops IRD’s Distinction of “Dynamic.”

Fourth Email, Day 7: Your Context: The Force or Dynamic that is creating the quality of your life lives in a Context or space. Learn to transform your Context and you learn to transform your life.

Fifth Email, Day 10: Your Role: You have been programmed to operate in a certain way within your Context. It’s called your Role. Learn to see your Role in action and you have a tool to transform your life.

Sixth Email, Day 13: Defense Mechanisms: Imagine fighting your limitations and learning how to stop self-sabotage.

Seventh Email, Day 16: You Defend Your Roles: Look into and learn more about how you unconsciously keep your Role alive and, thus, keep your entire dysfunctional Relationship alive.

Eight Email, Day 19: Your Roles Choose Our Partners: Shows you how, by changing your Roles, you have the ability to choose quality Relationships and quality partners.

Ninth Email, Day 22: Healing Your Role By Discovering Your Dynamic and Role: Learn to heal and be the YOU who can create what you desire.

Tenth Email, Day 25: Testimonials: People sharing about their insights and breakthroughs in IRD. This can be an emotional experience for you.

Eleventh Email, Day 27: Thank you: Peter Lotterhos, founder of TMD™, has an acknowledgement and thank you letter for your participation.