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Transformational Mind Dynamics™ IRD Workbook exists to show people how their Programming is unconsciously sabotaging the quality of their relationships. All human beings are "Programmed" or "hard wired." This hard wiring, which began at birth, is creating the quality of your personal and professional life. Most of us have no idea that, in fact, it is NOT US but our Programming that runs our lives 98% of the time, thus dictating our relationships, our life results. TMD's Inter-Relational Dynamics Workbook will give you the tools to build a LOVING, effective relationship that inspires communication, accountability, and increased performance.TMD's Inter-Relational Dynamics Workbook is an educational experience that will open the door to new possibilities in your professional and love relationships, previously closed by your Programming/Role. This course, like all other TMD courses and trainings, is not a new rule to follow or a slogan or tip that will make you BETTER. Rather, TMD operates from the perspective that you already are perfect—it's your Programming that would have you believe otherwise.

You Got That, Cindy? What it Takes to Consciously Create Your Life, looks at what it takes for people to create a life you love. Whereas, there are conversations in the world that identify the possibility of love in your relationships or financial abundance and what stops us from creating our dreams. However, very few books share the process that bring people to their goals. There is one way people create their goals and that is to become the goal they are looking to create. If you are looking for love then become loving. If you are looking for financial abundance then be interested in how money works. This answer is perhaps simple to comprehend however how do you do that? How do you become loving when the people in your life take advantage of you or your boss doesn't like you? How do you achieve in your life when the people in your life are not cooperating with your wishes? How do you create goals when your circumstances are not in alignment with your goals? You don't have the money