Y no Fighting?

Coaching Management, Confront to Make a Difference:

As I introduced in previous articles to this five-part series, you are programmed and that Programming is dictating your participation in life. I am Coach Pete. I work with Transformational Business Dynamics (TBD) to empower people to take their lives back from their Programming, to achieve breakthrough performance. This article addresses how communication impacts Programming and creates a transformed corporate culture that drives increased performance.

We are not Programmed to operate in the zone of peak performance. It takes breaking through or breaking down Programmatic limitations to access such possibility with yourself, others or with a group. What inspires me is taking a stand for possibility in the face of resistance. The resistance exists because Programming shuts down insight, collaboration and progress. Programming creates a predictable path to more resistance. Organizational Cultures create a conversation and when that conversation is driven by Programming, I relish in the opportunity to come face to face with the resistance. This is the Game, and this is wonderful. Let me explain.

“Breakthrough” has become a common phrase (well at least in my house) to describe a way to access the Zone. You know, the “Zone” described on ESPN as “he’s out of his mind”; meaning he’s accessed the “sweet spot” of his brain to explain a landmark performance - the best performance yet.

I describe “breakthrough” as the movement out of, or rather through, Programmatic Responses and into the freedom to perform. The resistance with creating breakthrough performance is where the Game (or the “fight”) comes into play and, as I’ve already mentioned, is the best part. What makes it the best part is the opportunity that I have to take on Programming, to break it down, and to break THROUGH it to create an unseen possibility. The challenge is for me and my performance is accessing who I need to be in order to have another person access their greatest potential. For example, do I have to be:

  • Do I have to be funny?
  • Do I have to be angry?
  • Do I have to be organized/impeccable?
  • Do I have to be empathic?

And I only get this opportunity when I am willing to be fully responsible for other people’s performance, which is the first step for most people. See, most people are unwilling to be responsible for other people’s performance, and therefore lose access to the type of communication that empowers others to move through their stops.

Accountability is the Source of Transformation:

Here, let’s create a distinction. You are the source for others’ results!

By getting that you Source Results you gain access to making a difference. You become the space for others to choose to transform and achieve breakthrough performance. Here's how to gain assess to this insight.

The first insight is you are responsible for Self, Other and the Organization. By taking full responsible get to see your impact/ripple in the pod and how your ripple creates results. You are being to see that you cause.  You are moving towards being responsible for the communication, feelings, and ultimately the results that occur. Try this on:

1. Self to Self: “Self”

  1. I am responsible for what I think and feel! I am responsible for how I share what I think and feel with others!

2. Self to Other: “Other”

  1. I am responsible for the results that are created from how I have shared what I thought and felt with other!

3. Other to Other: “Organization”

  1. AND I take responsibility for how people choose to use what I have shared with them. I am the source for their communication with other people.

This distinction comes from TBD’s distinction Coaching Management. Coaching Management is a way of communicating that empowers others to tap into their breakthrough performance. To say this another way, this means to move through their programmatic limitations. TBD’s Coaching Management gets at what is unconsciously (not aware of) creating negative results for self, other and organization. You have the opportunity to be the catalyst who breaks down others’ programming, or gets a group/organization over that communication roadblock that is limiting your results. As you learn to make a difference for the person, you expand your capacity to create results for your entire organization.

Safety and Control are the Origins of Programming:

Our mind creates our communication, position and perceptions to enable our limitations. This is not a conscious/aware process where people say, “Gee, today I’d really like to be limited/mediocre.” Remember our Programmed limits are created from the belief structure to keep us alive. Remember burning yourself for the first time? In that moment, your mind programmed in “ouch, don’t touch that” and now every time you get near fire or something hot, you know not to touch it. Programming is always about survival and will always limit creativity and aliveness. For example, you were laughed at in school while participating in a large group setting. Now you cannot be effective in a large group setting, but you are more effective in one on one settings. Or you were the oldest of four kids and when your dad lost his job and moved the family into an apartment, you took it personally and now you don’t trust yourself to be a leader. The brain can be programmed in an infinite number of ways, and getting to the root cause does not make sense to many people.

The results of programming extends itself to how you communicate internally and externally, meaning both how you feel your feelings AND your willingness to share your feelings with the world around you (even to the people you love the most). Your willingness to communicate and share honestly with your self and other is equal to your willingness to create in your life. The result of your communication is simple: success or failure. If your communication is not yielding the success you say you want, it’s time to get real with who YOU are programmed to be. Some people program in “love is abandonment” and now every relationship they have revolves around them being abandoned or abused or mistreated. This may also be the relationship you have with your boss or employees. Perhaps you programmed in control, self-righteousness, and ridicule as a way of communicating. Now, you say to yourself, “But I’m working my ass off! I’m putting in the hours, I’m doing all I can to have success and I get nothing in return!” That may be true, and I am here to share with you another way. You have the opportunity to ‘Get’ that you are programmed to be right about getting nothing.

To continue with the example from above, notice your way is resulting in self-righteousness and abandonment. This is your programming. Now notice, you are right about working your ass off, and you are right about not being acknowledged for it. So, great. Has your way yielded intentional results (like that bonus, promotion, or recognition?) or programmatic results self-righteousness and abandonment. Let’s get you recommitted and REAL. It’s time to dig into

your Self.

As you learn about how your brain is programmed to operate, you become the type of person who drives breakthrough results. Until you can distinguish your Programming, your Programming will dictate your participation and others around you. The process to transforming the Self, Others and/or a Group is through full accountability. That means YOU must be accountable. When you are willing to take on accountability, and to live your life from the perspective of being fully accountable for Self, Other and Group, then you create the space to make a difference. You become empowered!

Being Empowered Is: Leading Self, Leadings Others, Leading the Organization

1. Ability to Lead your Self:

  1. You are leading Self when you are able to be fully responsible for what you think, feel, speak and perceive.
  2. You are leading Self when you are able to be fully share what you think, feel, speak, and perceive from the perspective of accountability and for the purpose of achieving breakthrough or set goal.

2. Ability to Lead Others:

  1. a. You are leading others when you are able to inspire others to transcend personally imposed limitations to meet or exceed goals and objectives of the team/company.

3. Ability to Lead Organizationally:

  1. You are leading organizationally when you are able to turn breakdown into possibility, sourcing empowering results today and for the future.
  2. You are leading organizationally when you enroll your organization to strive for a common goal, and to play for it from a fusion of Leading Self and Leading Others. This is where a team operates at peak performance. It is YOU who gets them in the zone.

Now do the work it takes to become the type of person who has the capacity to tell the truth and you will transform Self, Other and your Corporation.

Contact me to begin a conversation that transforms your Corporation. Coach Pete 310.415.1148

Transformational Business Dynamics - A Radical Stand for Creating Accountability in Business Organization.

Transformational Business Dynamics aligns the “self” with empowering choices that transforms the organization. TBD shows how authenticity, accountability and radical honesty moves people through limiting programmatic reactions to create a way of being that causes results. TBD sees the Self as the whole; the Self is the source that transforms the corporation.